Overcoming the Dreaded Stock Count
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By: Ubong
May 21, 2024

Overcoming the Dreaded Stock Count

Automate your stock counting process, save time and money with SelPay

Business growth







Fola ran a chain of successful beauty retail stores across Abuja. Her brand was well known for having the best products. If you couldn’t find a beauty product at any of Fola’s stores, then you couldn’t find it anywhere in Abuja. That was how reliable and confident her customers were about her business. Despite the admirable success Fola had enjoyed, her business had a significant pain point. Want to know what it is? Walk with me.

With stores spread across Abuja, there was a time she and her store manager dreaded most. It wasn't just a pain point for the business but for her staff, as it required dedicated man-hours to reconcile the books - Stock Count! How do you reconcile the products in the warehouse with what was on the shelf across the business? It was always a stressful exercise, with staff complaining about the process. Not to mention the inconsistencies that arose, as arriving at a precise count seemed unattainable, casting doubt on the accuracy of the counts. This wasn't anyone's fault—we're only human. The root issue was that Fola had no systemic way of updating the warehouse, relying instead on the scattered, last-minute approach of stock counting at the end of the month and year.

There are many Folas in the business world who hate stock counting because they can't confidently say how much product they have in their warehouse or stores. This issue can be solved with a business solution automatically updating your inventory in real-time. That's why businesses like SelPay exist—to take away the pains of retail owners, whether small or big. All you need to do is input the initial count of the products into the system. With every sale, the system deducts the sold items, and you are automatically alerted when stock is low. No more manual efforts, long hours of counting, and accuracy uncertainty.

Trade your stock count worries for SelPay today, visit SelPay to find out more...